Your Compliance Edge

Sample Forms, Policies & Checklists

The Forms & Policies Section features over 500 sample HR forms, policies and checklists available for downloading, customizing and printing. The range of sample HR forms covers the most important and relevant aspects of managing human resources and the employer/employee relationship.

This sample form allows employers to keep track of their employees' job status.

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This sample questionnaire seeks to find out what an employee's daily responsibilities are.

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This sample worksheet should be completed when a change in personnel status occurs.

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This sample notice documents a change in position or pay rate for an employee.

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This sample form contains basic information to be filled out by new employees, to be placed in their personnel file.

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This sample notice documents personnel actions, including:
  • New employee hire or employee rehire
  • Change in pay
  • Employee transfer
  • Status or position change
  • Leave ...

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