Your Compliance Edge

Sample Forms, Policies & Checklists

The Forms & Policies Section features over 500 sample HR forms, policies and checklists available for downloading, customizing and printing. The range of sample HR forms covers the most important and relevant aspects of managing human resources and the employer/employee relationship.

This sample notice should be provided to an employee when an ongoing investigation requires that employee to take investigatory leave.

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This sample notice provides a detailed written warning to an employee regarding poor performance or other unacceptable conduct, and warns of further discipline if appropriate corrections are not made.

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This sample form may be used by an employee's supervisor to memorialize an incident or problem, along with any disciplinary actions taken, when company policy does not require the record of discipline...

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This sample notice provides a detailed second written warning to an employee regarding poor performance or other unacceptable conduct. It includes a warning to the employee that suspension or discharg...

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This sample checklist outlines appropriate steps managers can take to help prevent harassment in the workplace.

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