Your Compliance Edge

HR Self-Assessment Guide

The HR Self-Assessment guide is composed of six modules. Each HR assessment section may be taken independently of the others, and is separately graded. You may take each module as many times as you like. Once you complete a module, your score will be calculated and displayed along with explanations for the answers in that module. Your scores are not stored in a database, so please print the results page for each module if you need it for future reference.

  1. HR Management Practices
  2. Employee Classification, Compensation and Benefits
  3. Employee Relations
  4. Recruitment and Selection
  5. Safety, Health and Security
  6. Training and Development 

Please follow the instructions below as you answer the questions:

  • Please answer all questions unless otherwise instructed. In some cases, selecting an answer will require you to skip some of the subsequent questions. If you inadvertently make an entry in a question that should be skipped, your response will not be considered.
  • Keep in mind that the questions apply to company-wide human resources practices.
  • Some questions may require internal research to arrive at an accurate answer. As much as possible, base your answers on a review of documentation maintained by your company.


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